Friday, July 17, 2009

Appendicular Lump

Arteries of cecum and vermiform process.The slender ,hanging structure is appendix

Poor, most of the time bear the brunt of disease aggression.One of the serious complications of appendicitis is appendicular lump.After an acute attack if not treated adequately (without Surgery) body tries to contain the infection.In the process the near by intestine and omentum try to isolate the infected appendix by surrounding it from all the sides and in the process a mass or lump is formed in side the abdomen to be felt from lower abdomen.This may in turn progress to abscess (collection of pus) formation,perforation of apendix and even infection of blood called septicemia.

Acute Appendicitis An exemplary case of acute ...Infected appendix

These patients are usually treated conservatively as surgery at this stage is riskier. But still if the lump progresses the conservstive treatment is abandoned in favor of intervention (Surgery).Again here it may not be possible for the surgeon to treat for cure of disease .He has to amelorate the potentially grave situation and defer a definitive surgery to a later date.

All these carry risk for the patient.And in this part of India there are poor people who do not have any other option rather than to accept the situation.They come late because of various reasons.One important aspect being their financial status.Initially they they expect this pain in abdomen may not be severe and go away automatically,better to wait rather than to go to a doctor and spend money which is a wastage .That amount can be used to feed themselves.But in the long run when it aggravates they even sell all their property to get treated.
Treatment facilities in terms of man power and infrastructure is lacking in this part .Added to it is the high pricing of drugs and indifferent attitude of Govt. service providing agencies compels the poor to sit at home expecting auto cure , go to quack or indulge in folk remedies.

This grim situation should improve to claim that India is a welfare state.

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  1. I believe that South Africa's Nelson Mandela children fund is still intact. I noticed that it still was working in 2003. I am sure, it would also have helped in case of an appenidicular lump.
    This fund used to allow all women of a population of about 50 million (may be now 55 million) cost free medical consultations with head nurses and child delivery service at hospitals. I have also seen women, at a town clinic with handbags stuffed with all kinds of free medicine, all paid for them by Mr. Nelson Mandela's children fund. This was high blood pressure medicine which can be expensive amongst other. However, women in rural communities will not have it easy to get to the many big city clinics which were open for any race.
    It is of course likely, that rural areas had some clinics set up. The Marian Hill Monastry and Hospital by Pinetown by Durban South Africa, certainly, had this service until 2000 when I left the country.

    Appendicitis is an attack caused by infection which requires urgent attendance. I lost a 16 year old class mate because of appendicitis. One never forgets such a tragedy, when death came at such young age because medical help put off too long.

  2. Here I am actually talking about the apathy of our Govt. and siphoning of funds.No infrastructure facility as well as man power.Thanks once again.


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