Monday, July 27, 2009

Bookmark & Share

Sometime back I was asking my son to create such a button that in one click the recent post in one's blog will be posted to different sites  and  also in the same way that can be book marked.In one sentence it is a sort of multi-linking.
     Fortunately while wandering in different pages in web I came to know one site called where some of bookmarking features searched by me are present.Here one has to configure the sites from the list of sites presented by the web site and add a button in his website. After writing a post and  switching on the button rest of sharing work will be taken over by the Onlywire.
  But still it can not link to certain other sites .Will any developer look into it.I think one day that will be there.A blogger can save time in posting a blog to different sites he owns in one go.But till that time one should try testing the Onlywire.
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