Saturday, July 25, 2009

Journey From A Surgeon To A Mini Blogger

My love is like a red red roseFor YOU All.
I choose a little different color to mark the occasion of the second decade birth anniversary of the Blogger.In the meanwhile I have covered a little distance in the blogging platform and acquired many new friends.Many must not be knowing my background and some might be interested in knowing a little bit more about me.
So I am a surgeon working  in a Port Trust Hospital i.e. Paradip Port Trust,Paradip which is the deepest port in the eastern coast of India where The Bay Of Bengal touches Orissa( which is one of the states of India).Orissa is a mineral rich state and most of the export is coal and iron ore .And yet it is one of the poorest states of India.
I started my career as a Asst.Surgeon in Govt. Of Orissa .Completed my post graduation in general surgery. After about 11 years of service in the Govt. set up, I joined the Port hospital for various reasons and continuing here.I live with my nice wife and two sober sons.My elder son has now completed his bachelors degree in IT and waiting to get his certificates.My second son is in the verge of joining an engineering stream .

In Memory of a Victim of September 11, 2001 te...Hello !

Now I shall narrate the actual journey to blogging. We went for a PC( desktop) some two years back and got internet connection. My two sons went on doing many things.I  created my e-mail ID in Gmail first as per the recommendation of my elder son.For some reasons I now want to join in some other health care job. And as usual registered my name in different job portals and started surfing the net.By the by I came across different virus attack of computers and advertisement for different softwares.Then I became interested in those and virtually became a software tester by downloading ,installing and uninstalling ,again searching for newer ones and like that.Some times I get interested in some software and start researching on it without knowing in detail.And I loved to be troubled in many occasions and obviously sought the help of my elder son.
In the process I created many e-mail IDs for me and registered in many sites.I think first I noticed blogging probably in or and wrote some posts, but left it .Seeing all these fruitless work as a so called software tester my elder son suggested to write some health tips or some sort of medical writing in form of blogging.And I told him that I already have it but not 

regular.Then it is he who suggested to open a blogging platform in Bloggers .Now I had become a little acquainted to and created one page for me giving name surgispotdrpp.When he came home and knew about the name he did not like and wanted to create a better name for my site. In my presence a page was created in the name of medspot. And he optimised everything for me feeding in different blog directories ,Feedburner and Google search engine which were not known to me.So I started posting blogs.I thought that was sufficient. But only two to three persons could read it.
Me become active now.The medspot did not sound good to me. And I changed it to Clinispot.blogspot which is the present one. Latter on I could add it to some more blog directories and optimizing by trial and error .I succeeded many times and lost sometimes in the wilderness.Thereafter I become interested in blogging and opened  pages in some more sites namely in and etc.Then I started knowing the importance of broadcasting it in different forums such as Twitter,Blogcatalog,facebook and many more.Now my traffic improved.I got many friends in the net.I think my best friend in net is Gabriele who  owns web sites and is learned person in blogging technology. Still now I am going on experimenting in my sites.In the course of time I new the importance of pictures in blog posts and started collecting from the google images,stored in my computer and used those even though may not be very matching to the posts.And the  know how of blogging tips grew as I came across firefox addons like Zemanta,Clipmark,Photobucket ,Apature and many more.They actually decorated my blogs and I love to see the real time picture being collected by them.Now sometimes I give information to my engineer son about the blogging utilities as he owns at least two sites one which I follow is This is a long blogger's journey.From a surgeon to a blogger.I have now become interested in HTML writing and probably start reading the e-book provided by my son.Now I am the smallest of small blogger and my google page rank is 2.

This is how the PageRank works.Working Of Page Rank

I sincerely thank Google for his platform and support.The next platform according to me is but it is a little tight one ,not flexible like Blogspot.Of course it goes without saying that my wife tolerated me when I sit long before the PC in doing these odd business .I am very slow in typing and the blunders I do while doing something takes a lot of time to correct.Then, of course my elder son's technical support and younger son's appreciation  of content took me a long way in writing health related issues. I got encouragement from some of my net friends from which the name of Gabriele is worth mentioning.And last but not the least the contribution of  free hosting blog directories like Blogcatalog and the developers who create addons and different widgets are worth mentioning.

 I think what I am forgetting to mention is that the "Buzz" about the second decade birth anniversary of blogger in August which prompted me to share my experience of " Journey from a surgeon to a mini blogger " with all my friends and well wishers.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I enjoyed reading this post describing your journey. I have three grown sons and two of them think I am a 'nut' for blogging. One is supportive and sometimes laughs at my posts. Laughter is better than apathy or criticism I guess.

  2. Thank you Pouty Lips.What your sons are doing.One thing I would like to add from medical point of view is that by laughing many muscles participate and some feel good hormones are secreted.That is why one feels better.Thanks once again.


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