Sunday, July 5, 2009


The climate GOD, at last become happy to make the mankind in this part of India feel the cool of Rainy season.It is pleasant now.To-day is a holiday but emergency section in hospital is on as usual. Now it is in news that Govt. want to double the salary of doctors willing to work in remote localities. I do not know whether this will yield any result.Basic question is not only salary.It all about infrastructure and other facilities.In remote areas there is no good residence facility,if one is there it may not be electrified and if that is there no provision of water supply.Something will be in shortfall.If all these are there no good facility (school) for study of their children.If all of the above are there there will be lack of proper equipments for smooth  professional work and growth.  After completion of study one doctor always wants to utilize his knowledge in treating patients and in want of the facility he draws  flak. Also there is no full proof transfer policy,Policy for career progression, policy for promotion and above all low payment in comparison to other less stressful jobs.
  It is not that the so called think thaks do not know it ,it is their mental set up not to give better facility to doctors . Govt. should short out these problems before relying too much  only on hiking the pay to draw doctors to remote areas.
All these are causes for why I left Orissa Govt. service.

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