Saturday, October 17, 2009

Deepabali In India, The Backgrounds.

Lakshmi by Raja Ravi Varma.Goddess Lakshmi

Deepabali, the festival of light is being celebrated in India to-day. Traditional oil lamps are lit and kept decorating the houses, firecrackers are exhibited, sweets distributed and offerings are given to the fore fathers. Now-a-days, more firecrackers are used and less the other things.
There are several stories in the background. One of them states that the mythological Ramachandra, an incarnation of God defeated the evil power Ravan, and returned on this day to his kingdom. His subjects kept the city lighted to greet Him.
Another interesting story relates to another incarnation of God, the Baaman, a dwarf. There are all total 10 incarnations of God, described in the Hindu mythology. In this incarnation, the God sent one of the kings of earth, Bali to exile, who was famous for his giving. The god came to him asked for three foot sized earth. The king promised to give thinking it to be a silly matter for him. But, to his surprise the god enlarged his foot and acquired the earth in one foot, the sky in another foot and put out a third foot from his umbilical area and asked for space. Now Bali could understand that the dwarf looking priest is not the ordinary one. He offered his head for the third foot of the God. God kept his third foot on his head and pushed him to the depth so that the king will not be visible. But the king famous for giving has earned enough virtue and was a favorite of God. He asked the god about the well being of his citizens. Seeing his concern, the God allowed him to surface on this day and himself look after the well being of the citizens. So, on this date people greet their loved king by keeping the path lighted.
In another story the ancestors come down from heaven to see the well-beings of their heirs on this day. And, to well come them, the path in the night kept lighted. Offerings are also given for them.
In yet another story, Goddess Lakshmi, the god of fortune visits house to house in this evening, so the houses are kept lighted to well come Her. Businessmen in India, prepare their balance sheet to-day.
I have listened to all these stories from my childhood. But the essence is, this is a festive occasion, a friendship day and a day to remember the contribution of our ancestors in making our lives comfortable..  

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