Sunday, November 22, 2009

Facial Wounds Much Higher Among Poorest

The author describes with statistics, that how facial injuries are common in poorest in Scotland. Here in Paradip, Orissa, India; though no statistics is provided, the scenario is no different. It is mostly accidents following alcohol abuse. And We see the same person several times in a year in the same condition.
clipped from
Men from Scotland's deprived areas are almost seven times more likely to suffer serious facial wounds than those in wealthier areas, a study suggests.
The researchers found that between 2001 and 2006, more than 82,000 people suffered facial scars in Scotland.
The paper claims the annual cost of alcohol misuse to Scottish society is an estimated £2.25bn, with the cost to the National Health Service in Scotland put at £405m.
The study also highlights a recent run of 249 patients from a Scottish trauma unit which found about 80% of their facial injuries were alcohol-related.
"Brief alcohol counselling sessions have been shown to be effective in helping facial trauma patients to cut down their drinking both by ourselves and by other groups around the country."

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