Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Aspirin May Help Breast Cancer Patients

Early signs of breast cancer.Image via Wikipedia
Aspirin, a cheap drug first used for headache and as a pain-killer, that was discontinued for causing gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcerations. Subsequently, used in small doses for cardiovascular disease particularly in prevention of heart attack. Its role in treatment of rheumatic disease sill remains undisputed. Again it was used for prevention or early detection of colon cancer. And, now researchers say, it reduces breast cancer metastasis to some extent. More study may be required for recommending it for the same.
Here are some of the early symptoms and signs of cancer breast. Self assessment is the key for success in breast cancer outcome. Screening tests for high risk ladies is recommended and may actually aid in early detection and treatment of it.

Aspirin Benefit Seen in Established Breast Cancer

An aspirin at least two days a week significantly reduced breast cancer death risk by 64% to 71%, Michelle D. Holmes, MD, DrPH, of the Channing Laboratory at Harvard and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and colleagues reported online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
The risk reduction for distant metastasis in breast cancer survivors taking aspirin at least two days a week was a significant 43% to 60% in the analysis of the Nurses’ Health Study data through 2006.
These results could have “considerable clinical importance,” they wrote, given the drug’s relatively benign adverse effects compared with cancer chemotherapy agents as well as its other benefits in preventing colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.
However, she cautioned that aspirin isn’t risk-free, noting it can cause GI bleeding.
Further study is needed to determine the mechanism and also to prospectively confirm the benefit, the investigators agreed.

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