Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great Ways to Prevent Ill Effects of Diabetes Trough Blood Glucose Test

Front of abdomen, showing surface markings for...Image via Wikipedia
This is a guest post by Kristina V. Ridley. She is a very enthusiastic writer and spends lot of time in creating awareness on diabetes.  I appreciate it very much.

One of the main parts of the body that is affected is the pancreas to cause type II Diabetes. Many people eat foods that contain high doses of sugar, which turns into glucose in the blood stream. When glucose enters the blood, insulin is released by the pancreas so that the glucose becomes a type of fuel for the body. For a person who is living with Type 2 diabetes, it is difficult for the body to produce the insulin it needs, and uses what little is produced. At this point, there is plenty of glucose to be used as fuel for the body, but the cells are not able to find it.
The American Diabetes Association has the duty of looking for information regarding this important medical condition. 23.6 million individuals living in America currently have diabetes, and because of this the country is seen as very unhealthy. Ninety percent of this figure has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes and the tendency to be overweight usually run in the family. If there is too much glucose in your body, it could result in serious internal organ damage and affects other system of body. 
The Life of a Diabetic
The glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the blood is the average blood glucose level in the preceding or past three months. Diabetics should usually maintain HbA1c level around 7%. According to the CDC, the risks of many types of diseases would reduce by up to 40% if people would reduce their HbA1c levels to 7 percent.
Over-Controlled Levels
Recently, there have been medical studies that seem to indicate that maintaining HbA1c levels below 7% may be a bad idea after all. A study conducted by a medical center in Seattle (Lancet and Swedish), indicates that people who keep their median HbA1c levels below 7%, and/or use insulin will be at a higher death risk. Then again, many studies indicate that maintaining a seven percent level of HbA1c is still healthy. Maintaining a seven percent level of HbA1c is still good, according to the endocrinologist Matt Davies for as long as physicians are well-aware of the medical history of their patients before any treatment is prescribed.
About the Author - Kristina V. Ridley writes on her personal hobby blog focused on healthy eating and tips to measure blood glucose levels at home to help people understand early diabetes symptoms.

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