Sunday, May 9, 2010

To All The Mothers In Mother's Day

There is picture in a local daily; one mother deer licking saliva and polishing the skin of her baby; with a caption mother’s love. I saw a video footage yesterday in a local news channel; a cobra was found from the depth, while a person was digging to lay foundation of his house. The cobra was guarding her eggs by encircling those with her body; and was unmoved by the sight of the human gathering. There was no fear. That was the concern for her future siblings.
There is a folk tale in our locality; one cow had gone to the forest for grazing. While returning, en route, she encountered a tiger. The tiger was hungry and wanted to eat her. The cow asked the tiger to give her some time, so that she can go home and feed her baby; and come back as a prey to the tiger. The tiger disbelieved, but let her go. After some time the cow returned with her calf and they offered themselves to be food for the tiger. This happened because the calf while getting fed by her mother, knew about the incidence; when the cow started to depart with tears in her eyes, thinking to be unable to see her baby henceforth; the calf accompanied her mother. Seeing all these, the tiger also started crying and left both mother and her calf free.
In my life, when my mother was alive, I never know a mother’s day. Probably it was not in vogue. Now she is no more available physically, but sometimes, I figure out a village lady in very simple minimal attire, always busy in taking care of everything without any complain, comes to my mind.
A few drops of tear are wetting my eyes in her memory while I write this story; the only thing I can do to-day. It is said in Odia(Orissa, India); the person who loses mother, becomes unsupported and orphan, and a baby in mother’s lap does not fear the world.
In Sanskrit It is said; “Janani Janma Bhumischa, Swargadapi Gariyasi”; which means mother and motherland are more precious than the heaven.
Lastly, I would like to say that, God had created a wonderful creation very leisurely; with all devotion, hard work, affection and sincerity; what is called a woman. The great is the adoptability and versatility in all the situations. I salute the race.

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