Monday, May 31, 2010

Tobacco Addiction can be A Death Trap

Common adverse effects of tobacco smoking (See...Image via Wikipedia
Tobacco addiction is a death trap. More Indians are becoming slave of its addictive potential. Tobacco contains nicotine, germacrene, anabasine and other piperidine alkaloids (varying between species). There are several laws to ban smoking, but having no effective way of implementing it. Strict implementation of it has decreased the lungs cancer in US in the recent past. In India tobacco is consumed in many ways. Those are;
  • Smoking, 
  • snuff,
  • paste,
  • beetle and 
  • processed packets.
The ill effects can be;

  • Quid cancer in mouth following chewing of beetle and keeping it in the mouth for long time,
  • Cancer tongue,
  • cancer of oral cavity,
  • cancer of stomach,
  • Lungs cancer,
  • Bronchitis,
  • Tuberculosis,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Tobacco related loss of vision     and
  • corneal opacity.

Smoking, both active and passive is equally harmful. Baby of smoker mother is known to start suffering while in womb itself, and may have malformations and low intelligence.
Several attempts and alternatives are being thought to help tobacco users; starting from low nicotine tobacco cigarettes, tobacco patch to drugs, viz. varenicline and bupropion support to wean it off. But, strong will power is the most important one to leave tobacco use in any form..

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1 comment:

  1. Is it not true that if you use tobacco that you grow yourself and isn't processed and packaged by cigarette companies it's actually safer? All the added garbage is what is dangerous in smoking, like the tar and such that they add to cigarettes you buy at the store.

    However, in my life, with allergies and asthma in the family and those of us suffering from it, any kind of smoke bothers me and my children. I sincerely wish my husband would quit smoking, and he says he will. But it's taking so long.

    At least he doesn't smoke around us. He smokes outside, never inside, and tried to air out before coming in the house. But sometimes he smells of it and it makes me ill - gives me a headache, makes me cough, maybe even sneeze.

    How can I help him quit?


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