Monday, March 22, 2010

Facebook's The Password Stealing Virus

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
.It is in news that hackers are sending fake e-mails to Facebook users to reset their password, and on opening the mail and attachment, so many malicious programs are being downloaded and causing identity steal. The golden rule, not to open unsolicited emails and attachments holds good.It has been confirmed by McAFee
Facebook is one of the best social networking sites that have more than 400 million users. Now, Hackers have come with Virus stained spam email to target the Facebook users to steal banking information’s and hack other confidential information’s.
It happens this way, the Facebook User’s receives Spam Emails that instructs them that, passwords on their Facebook accounts has been reset and advice them to download an attachment to acquire their new login credentials.
McAfee Inc- Anti-virus software maker said on Wednesday that, “when the attachment is opened, numerous malicious software including the one which tries to steal passwords are automatically downloaded and run”. The Hackers have now targeted Facebook users, by sending them infected messages through the social networking company's own internal email system. The main advantage for the hackers is that, they can use ordinary Internet email to spread their malicious software.
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