• Suspicious nodules and/or hardness inside.
• Fixity of the mass to skin or deeper structures.
• Retraction of nipple.
• Puckering of skin.
• Orange skin like surface appearance of breast skin.
• Abnormal discharge from nipple.
• Lymph nodes in axilla;
a woman should subject herself for examination by a doctor, if finds something suspicious.
Doctor will examine the patient;
1. Clinically to assess the findings of the self examination.
2. Subject the lady to Imaging;
• Mammography.
• Ultrasonogram of breast in select cases.
• MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), in select cases.
• MBI (Molecular Breast Imaging), if available; not widely available at present, a type of computer aided mammography delivering less radiation than traditional mammography.
3. Cellular or tissue diagnosis, by;
• FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology), where a small amount of tissue is syringed out by a 22/23G needle for examination under microscope.
• Core-cut needle biopsy, I some cases for cellular examination.
• Sometimes sentinel node biopsy.
either to confirm or dismiss the suspicion of caner breast. The above three types of assessment are called, “Triple Assessment” for breast cancer.