Herpes Simplex can be;
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type I (HSV I) or
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type II (HSV II)
Genital sores or outbreaks commonly starts some 10 to 12 days after catching infection. It is usually caught by direct contact or sexual activity with some one infected and having the sores.
It starts as small reddish spots spread over an area of skin or mucous membrane, gradually turning into small blisters; becoming itchy and painful with redness over the area. Those gradually crust and heal even without treatment.
Once infected with the virus, it remains in the body nesting in the nerve roots and recur when gets an opportunity by coming to the nerves endings in skin to initiate a lesion. That usually happens when immunity is down in certain periods such as during an attack of common cold.
It can be diagnosed by the typical history and appearance of the sores. However, blood tests are available to determine the type of the virus.
It can be treated by;
Remaining away from catching the infection is the best. Mothers may pass an infection to their babies and that can prove detrimental to the health of the new born.