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Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Posted by Dr Prahallad Panda on 7:04 AM Comments

Performance of Indian states in providing basi...Image via Wikipedia
I do not know who named the hurricane"Aila" but in oriya it maens "came" and that came and went away leaving behind it's mark in form of devastation in Orissa and West Bengal in india and Bangledesh.That also weakened the the advancing south west monsoon to delay it's arrival in advance to this part of world. And it is extremely hot and humid here.I cut short my walking time by five minutes due to unbearable heat and sweating. My fingers are sweating to make the keys wet.
So now, if, I ask you how do you cut your nail and brush your teeth, it will sound silly. But believe me there is 90% chance that you may end up in giving a wrong answer. Many come to me with ulcers on their nail bed to be diagnosed as in-growing nails may it be finger or toe. That is due to faulty trimming of nail. Long nails look nice in the fingers especially in females.
Unfortunately, the nail ends are cut in a semi-circular manner by many giving rise to corners, going deep in to the nail bed. That causes an in-growing nail and consequently an ulcer.So, it should be cut in a straight manner well out side the tip of finger or nail bed, so that the corners are well out side the nail bed and can not bury into it. That has a good look also.

No, my second question should get answered! Teeth should be brushed  starting  from the gingival side to the tip of teeth and repeated all the times, so that the dirt (residual food) comes out. If, done in a reverse manner, all the dirt go into the gingival fold and force it to recede from the teeth. That may result in deposit of tarter or calculus around the teeth that weaken the teeth. Brushing should be at least twice a day after meals and a soft brush should be used and changed, if, damaged. There is no need to emphasize that a good quality tooth paste is also required. Go here to read more about choosing a toothbrush.

Are you doing these correctly. Is it helpful ?

cutting nail and brushing teeth

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