Intestine, large or small may get obstructed from varied reasons. Amongst those obstruction due to bands and adhesions following an abdominal surgery in the past is a distinct entity.
Some patients react to an abdominal surgery or for some unknown reasons may produce bands and adhesion inside abdominal cavity those may cause obstruction to free flow f food material in the system. Patient may present with acute features of intestinal obstruction or more commonly take an indolent course to obstruction termed as sub-acute intestinal obstruction.
In intestinal obstruction, there is stasis of intestinal contents, gasses may eventually separate and come up to form an air-fluid level; visible in a plain x-rays film.
This feature is considered as a supportive evidence to clinically diagnosed intestinal obstruction.
Some patients react to an abdominal surgery or for some unknown reasons may produce bands and adhesion inside abdominal cavity those may cause obstruction to free flow f food material in the system. Patient may present with acute features of intestinal obstruction or more commonly take an indolent course to obstruction termed as sub-acute intestinal obstruction.
In intestinal obstruction, there is stasis of intestinal contents, gasses may eventually separate and come up to form an air-fluid level; visible in a plain x-rays film.
This feature is considered as a supportive evidence to clinically diagnosed intestinal obstruction.