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Monday, August 9, 2010

Multiple Desktops in Window as Linux

Posted by Dr Prahallad Panda on 6:58 PM Comments

Now with Dexpot, a free desktop manager multiple work stations can be created in window, just like Linux; that it claims.

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Download- Dexpot 1.5 a Free Desktop Manager for Windows

dexpotDexpot 1.5 is a desktop manager similar like in Mac OSX and Linux that turns your monitor into up to 20 separate desktops. Dexpot creates additional workspaces you can quickly switch between.

altDifferent icons, wallpapers, start-ups, and much more can be configured for each desktop. Users owning netbooks, tablets and UMPC with small screens and low resolutions will benefit from virtual desktops as well.

Dexpot provides Windows users similar functionality like Linux or Mac OSX for their operating systems which isn’t present even in Windows 7. Its absolutely free for private use, Dexpot allows users to create additional workspaces, by allowing the creation of up to 20 separate desktops. The software is extremely flexible, providing many customization options including separate wallpapers, screen resolutions, start-ups macros, and icons for each workspace, as well as user-defined hotkeys for quick access to functions and workspaces.

By allowing you to create more than one workspace or desktop, Dexpot lets users compartmentalize/organize their work and applications onto multiple desktops, and also reduce the clutter. For example, Desktop 1 (these can also be renamed) can be for your email and web-browsing, while Desktop 2 can be for productivity such as spreadsheets and word processors, Desktop 3 solely for entertainment and media, while Desktop 4 is for games, and so on. In fact, you can even create rules for each application, so that even if you open one in the wrong (according to your own categorization) desktop, it will automatically be transferred to the correct/assigned one.

Download Link for Dexpot 1.5 a Free Desktop Manager for Windows:

Dexpot 1.5 (3.9 MB)


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